
Thursday 5 May 2011

The perfect day for a picnic

Labour Day Monday – the last day of that wonderful, extended Easter weekend – was one of those glorious Brisbane days that seem to be unlike anywhere else in the world. I was lucky enough to be taken on a surprise picnic to Scarborough.

Originally we’d intended to buy supplies for a picnic lunch but my suggestion of fish and chips by the water was much too good to be passed over. We stopped near Morgans but didn’t go in as the place was packed wall to wall. We were not the only people taking advantage of this perfect day. The fish and chip corner shop around the corner still had a queue almost out the door as well.

We ate our lunch in a tiny strip of park by the bay and afterwards had a short constitutional around the water’ edge. It was not a very active or eventful day, but it a perfect day for a quiet picnic.

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