
Friday 8 July 2011

The cider dilemma

So, I’ve been sick. A really serious cold / flu thing that really knocked me around and put me in major negative sick leave in my new job.

Knowing I was feeling lousy, my wonderful family and friends gave me all sorts of things to help me feel better. There were amazing cupcakes (no photo – they disappeared too fast), offers of drugs and dinner, tim tams and tv shows.

Probably the most unexpected gift was from my Dad, who dropped DVD’s around to my place last week, along with a bottle of cider!

My Dad is not a cider drinker, but we’d had family dinner a few nights previously when cider and my fondness for it came up and then he’d been in Dan Murphy’s and spotted a special ‘winter cider’, so bought it for me to make me feel better. Awwwww.

Here it is:

Now, the dilemma – do I drink it hot or cold? It says you can go either way. What to do? I don’t want to stuff up my special winter cider experience. Apple with cinnamon and vanilla cider does not cross one’s path every day.

Solution: drink half the bottle cold, half the bottle warm.

I am a genius.

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