
Monday 8 August 2011

The lost love of letters

I love letters. I love the romance of them, that personal touch and the thrill of receiving something through the post. I have a box of letters and postcards that I've kept so I can get them out and re-read them over the years of my life.

Emails just aren't the same. It is still thrilling when you get a much-anticipated email – say the first few from the boy / girl you've just been on a successful first date with. But in most cases they're dull and uninteresting and blah and always tinged with the aura of work and the 362 emails you have in your inbox after a holiday.

As much as we love our new technology and the latest, fastest niftiest of everything, I am not alone in lusting after the old-fashioned. You only have to look at the craze for vintage clothes that has gripped fashion and the high street in recent years to see that. Old cameras are back, old clothes are back and old forms of communication are back.

Some clever-clogs in America, also fed up with emails have started a 'community art project' Snail Mail Your Email. You send them an email and they will hand-write it, address the envelope and post it for you to anywhere in the world. With stamps and everything. I adore this idea. The idea is to spread warm-fuzzies around the world and re-ignite an appreciation for the lost art of letter writing.

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