
Monday 31 October 2011

Brisbane International Film Festival 2011

In just a matter of days the 20th Brisbane International Film Festival will be starting in cinemas all over the city. BIFF this year has a very nifty, post-modern logo but more importantly it has an interesting line-up of local and international films. There is nice selection of incredibly depressing-sounding films, an interesting range of disgusting horror and a focus on surf films. I'm not particularly interested in any of those. I like a variety of films but for some reason, BIFF this year is comparatively thin on the ground for me. That isn't to say that the selection isn't impressive and there aren't many film-goers in this city going 'Squee!' at the possibility of seeing Human Centipede 2.

This is my list of want-to-see at BIFF 2011:

  • Bonnie and Clyde

  • A Dangerous Method

  • Melancholia

  • Goodbye First Love

  • Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

  • Let the Bullers Fly

  • Spud

  • Dos Hermanos

Chuck and I planned to get a 6-movie pass. Now we just have to find 6 movies we both want to see.

See the full BIFF 2011 program on the website.

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