
Thursday 8 December 2011

So, I'm a Twitter fan. Not an obsessive fan, just a fan. I got into it for work and then socially,now I tweet most days ... this is starting to sound like an addication but really, it's not. As a social platform Twitter is fun and useful and revolutionising communication while being the new ultimate time-waster. It can be an interesting place to 'hang out' and a lot of the cool things I talk about on this blog I find directly or indirectly through Twitter. I have even posted an info-graphic on Twitter [I love info-graphics].

What I am posting about today is the yearly round-up of Twitter. The twitter-powers-that-be are slowly releasing their year in review, with lists of the most trending topics, which note-able people joined and also interesting news stories that have a basis or tie with Twitter. My favourite was this story of a guy in Portland, Oregon who saved his Mum's bookstore with one tweet. It's kind of amazing story and you can either watch it just below or read about it and other Twitterworld stories online. There are also cool facts like the most tweets sent in one second - which wasn't for the moment Brasil were eliminated from the Copa America, though at 7,166 tweets it came close - or that #Eygpt was the most used hastag all year, and that Charlie Sheen, who only joined Twitter in March 2011 was the most talked about actor. Twitter - it's not just about meaningless drivel.

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