
Sunday 29 January 2012

Introducing The Edge, Brisbane

Have you heard of The Edge? A surprising number of people haven't. When I mention it to friends they general say 'What's that?' then 'Where?' and finally 'How did I not know about this?'. They didn't know about it because to be honest, you have to have worked in the Brisbane arts sector sometime in the last 4 years to have heard about it and even though it is a major achievement for the current state government and I believe a delivery on a previous election promise, they have promoted it very poorly.

The Edge is a digital culture centre that is in effect an extension of the State Library of Queensland. Situated in the South Bank Cultural precinct, sandwiched between QAG and SLQ, it is a small but active digital centre and best of all – free to the public. There are computer labs, an auditorium for hire, media laboratories and comfortable bays of cushioned seats, power sockets, free wifi and gorgeous river views that you can book or just wander in to.

Throughout the year, The Edge run an almost non-stop workshops program as well as fantastic one-off projects (Zombie Climate Apocalypse) that are also usually free and only require your enthusiastic and creative participation.

This year The Edge turns 3 and to celebrate they are holding 50 workshops in 5 hours on Saturday 25 February. Sure, Guerilla Gardening may or may not be your thing, but perhaps high speed photography, LED throwies or 'Inflate O Morphia' will be.

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