
Friday 24 February 2012

Five for Friday no. 8

Stella McCartney wowed in every way at London fashion week. She show was in fact a party and it was apparently a party that will go down in quiet legend. I wish I'd been there. Or else you could just look at the collection.

A new Tumblr: graphic designer Matt Roeser reads a book then re-designed the cover. I particularly like his versions of Jasper Fforde's novels Shades of Grey and The Eyre Affair and I am a big Jasper Fforde fan. LinkThere is a part of me that wishes I were ever fabulous enough to have a bag named after me. However, this is not high on my list of life dreams, and a good thing too 'cause it ain't happening any time soon. In the mean time, Mulberry have created a new named bag the Del-Ray and I kind of love it.

Scrumptious Reads blog. I love a good food blog and this one makes me drool.

It's Leek season! What? No one else is excited by that?