
Sunday 19 February 2012

The idiots guide to self-photography.

I simply cannot take a good photo of myself. I barely manage to 'take' a good photo anyway but when I am wielding the camera I usually end up looking disastrous.

This isn't much of a problem as I don't feel a need to photograph myself that often. It has only recently become a wish after I developed a mild addiction to sartorialist websites.

I love a good sartorialist website. I also love the word sartorial. I find them inspiring. Sometimes they inspire me to want to buy new clothing but more often they inspire me to experiment more with the clothing I have and maybe be a bit more adventurous with my next purchase.

So the self-photographing issue arises because sometimes I think of an outfit related blog idea or maybe I just want to take a photo of my adorable outfit and find a reason to blog. But I then chicken out and my outfit is never recorded because I'm not good at taking photos of myself. I also have a pet peeve that most personal fashion blogs contain waaay too many photos of the same outfit. Show me three, not ten!

Attempt #1 to take self-portrait. Showing a friend how much I appreciated my christmas present of a necklace made of a tie.

Anyways, for those people who like to or want to take self-portraits, here is a simple little guide on how to take nice ones from Shrimp Salad Circus. For that bit of confidence we all need. It's short, it's comprehensible and it's persuasive. So persuasive in fact that after reading it I went out and bought myself a camera remote and stole my boy's enormous tripod (haha) and took some photos of myself.

Attempt #2. Still not good but working on it ...

You can also check out this guide on how to take good outdoor photographs from A Beautiful Mess, all of which is very good advice that I did not follow because I felt silly enough taking photos of myself without doing it in public view.

Better photos to follow soon.


  1. Ah ha, this could come in handy after my recent self-shot attempts, as noted on facebook...which were disasterous! Thanks for posting this.

  2. Thus the reason that there are no photos of me on my blog...
