
Friday 30 March 2012

Five for Friday no. 12

No one really likes airline food. Or I should qualify, no one really likes economy class airline food. I only like it because it’s a temporary distraction. However, I want to experience this airline food:

“For two weeks in April, British Airways is launching a pop-up restaurant in London based around the flight experience. Called Flight BA2012, for £50 you’re treated to a three-course meal inspired by BA menu’s from 1948, prepared by a real chef – overseen by Heston Blumenthal – inside what looks like an aircraft.”

T-Rex trying. Baha!

How the Lord of the Rings should have ended.

Last week it was a bitter tumblr, now it’s a slightly upsetting website that looks into cool people’s apartments. Again, there is jealousy. But fewer terrariums. Apartment Therapy.

Someone made a busines out of making your resume look cool.


  1. Love the pop up restaurant idea!

    1. I know! I'd love to try it. Except I suspect the original would havebeen barely edible and this will be been nice-itised.

  2. More cool resume templates on CVfolio -
