
Tuesday 8 May 2012

What do you collect: a Queensland Museum project

‘What do you collect?’ is a project started by the Queensland Museum as part of their 150th birthday celebrations. The idea is to ‘collect collections’ from people all over Queensland and work with community to co-curate the results into an exhibition.
The Museum will then be delivering a series of pop-up Museum events in different parts of the state, I believe, working at halls and museums and with local communities who hopefully have one or two people featured in the project themselves.

 If you want to become involved you can submit a video, a photo or a story online. Or you can just check out what other people have submitted. Collections range from the more predictable – old cameras, hats and surfboards - to the unexpected – butter wrappers, taps and My Little Pony tattoos (you wouldn’t believe you collects those).
Personally, I collect stamps. Not avidly and not for any reasons other than ‘I like stamps’. But I’m thinking that maybe I should submit my collection. After all, there isn’t a stamp collector mentioned as yet …

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