
Tuesday 10 July 2012

Friends who blog

On Sunday I discovered that an old work mate was an avid blogger and I'd never had any idea. She doesn't write the sort of stuff-and-nonsense blog that we do here. She's a Canadian-American girl who fell in love with and Aussie, moved to Brisbane with him and they are now living in Canada. So her blog is about connecting with all her friends all over the globe, keeping them informed, telling them about her experiences in different cultures and maybe doing a bit of fun rambling as well. If you were a someone who moved around or is living far from home, it's the sort of blog you might have yourself or really enjoy. It's called  Yellow Crayon. I have no idea why.

I also recently discovered that another former work colleague and Brisbane girl runs a blog called Suburban Pup. Within the last year she has become the proud owner of two puppies and her blog is all about the trials and tribulations of first-time dog ownership. It is also full of simply adorable photos! A must-read for local dog owners.

Next, a blog I've known about for a long time, Entwined Happiness. Written by a girl very similar to me - Brisbane, works in marketing, generally awesome - except a whole lot more responsible - home and dog owner - her blog is a little like mine in that it is about ordinary life and the things we do, our friends and fancies. Whereas ours is a little frivolous, Rachael also talks about the trials and tribulations of owning a labrador, renovating a house and helping to organise weddings. 

Finally, the last of my known-friend blogs in Snug as a Bug in a Rug. My one and only girlfriend to also be a Mum (to the CUTEST BABY EVER!) blogs about being a mum, being a teacher, being a girl guide and somehow staying awesome so all her irresponsible non-mum girlfriends want to hang out with her and Bub. 

So do check these guys out, they're all really interesting women, or at least I think they are. And if you're a  friend who blogs and I haven't mentioned you, I'm really sorry but tell me and I'll make amends.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for another shout out, must do my own shouting out soon...and blog posting :p.
