
Saturday 4 August 2012

My new bracelet

This is the story of how I accidentally won a bracelet.

I’m on twitter. I would go so far as to say I have a mild twitter addiction. Twitter participants have three levels: sign up and post one a month; mild addiction; on it all the time. I’m on the slight addiction level and likely to stay that way unless I get a job in digital marketing.

Anyway, I’m on twitter and for some reason Lisa Brown – a Gold Coast based fashion designer and leading Queensland designer - and I became reciprocal followers; though a Brisbane fashion tweet I expect, or a reference to a mutual account keeper. I don’t know. Two weeks later and I find out that by following the account and sharing it with friends, I inadvertently entered a competition and won!

My prize? This beautiful bangle! I love it. I’m super excited to by wearing a bangle by a local designer and more over, a designer I may not have heard about if not for Twitter.

Now I want to get myself into gear and make it to a Brisbane Fashion Festival show featuring her work – if I can still get tickets!