
Wednesday 22 August 2012

The Life of Pi

Yann Martel's internationally best-selling novel Life of Pi is a truly incredible book. The reader is promised 'a story to make you believe in God' and even if it doesn't fulfil that promise it is certainly a story that provokes wonder and is an utter delight to read. 

It is the story of a young Indian boy named Piscine 'Pi' Patel who is on a shipwreck in the Pacific Ocean. He survives the shipwreck only to find himself in a lifeboat with a Bengal tiger, a Spotted hyena, a zebra and an orangutan. To not go in to too much detail it is an incredible story, in the truest sense of the word. A philosophical fairytale that may not make you believe in God but which takes you on an enlightening journey.

I don't know how, but someone has managed to make a movie based on this book.

Directed by Ang Lee, Life of Pi is to be released in November this year. I'll be going along if only for the curiosity to see just how this tale becomes a film.

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