
Sunday 23 September 2012

Brisbane's first Scandinavian Festival

Today marks the 140th anniversary of the founding of the Danish Club in Brisbane (est 1872 for those who can't count). To mark the occasion, the Brisbane clubs of Denmark, Sweden and Norway came together to hold Brisbane's first ever Scandinavian Festival.

I haven't spent anything like as much time in Scandinavia as I would like to. I have a bit of a crush on the region. I adore Scandinavian design principles, the people are charming if too geneticaly gifted for my liking - why do they get olive skin And blonde hair And to be tall and slim? - and I admire them for their socially developed ways of thinking and political governance.

Some of the lovely artwork for sale. Owls, horses and reindeer.

I went along to the festival, however, in anticipation of the food.

Delicious Norwegian waffles with jam and browned goats cheese.
Swedish lollies and Danish pastries.

A couple of girlfriends and I arived nice and early before the sun got too hot and the waffles ran out. The festival was held in Austin Street Newstead, outside the doors of the Danish Club. There were market stalls, Norse huts and traditonal dancing.

 Beautiful traditional crafts.

By 11 the streets were packed and the lines for the roast pork sandwiches and icecream stretched through the street. I think the festival was a lot more popular than the organisers anticipated. But if the annual success of Paniyiri and Oktoberfest show anything it's that we love to celebrate all the diverse cultures that make up our national fabric. I hope the clubs count this first year as a huge success and maybe next year will be bigger. And in a park with shade.

Brisbane's first Scandinavian Festival: a great day out. 

 There were scores of people in traditional costume or else in national colours.

Boys playing what looked to be a traditional version of chess and main stage entertainment.


  1. I cant believe I missed this! Drooling over those waffles, did you try any?

  2. The waffles were delicious! The browned goats cheese had the most incredible creamy bitter caramel flavour which worked oddly well with jam.

    I didn't know it was happening until a few days beforehand, it was pretty quietly promoted. But you now know for next year!
