
Tuesday 4 September 2012

September project day 2: Blackstar Coffee West End

Day 2 I actually make it to a West End coffee shop.

Blackstar Coffee is a favourite spot amongst many of my colleagues who rhapsodise about the quality of the quality of the coffee.

Been meaning to go for ages, finally made it this morning. But first off, an observation; today was the first day of the new season I got into my car mid-morning and immediately started to sweat. You know when your car turns into an oven? It has happened.

Back to the coffee. Blackstar roast their own coffee. It's there on the shelves, in nifty paper bags all ready for you to buy. They make their own cold-pressed coffee that sells as iced coffee in creamy, black and soy. I might have got really excited about this and vow to return to try it one day.

(Later note - I did try the iced coffee when it got warmer and it was AMAZING!)

I got three coffees, one for myself, two for my colleagues. We all three thought it was simply delicious and would go back any time.

Blackstar products on display.
Excuse the ordinariness of the photo, I feel like a fool taking photos of shops and such.

The guys behind the machine seemed nice enough, though I didn't chat like I usually do. The place is breezy with lots of chairs and the menu is good and affordable. They do a tasty looking breakfast menu I'd be keen to sample one morning.

Coffee: smooth and mellow
Sit and chill factor: 7
Coffee roasting: divine
Parking: could be a pain in the butt
Regular soy latte: $3.80 (no extra charge for soy!!)

Blackstar Coffee on Urbanspoon

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