
Tuesday 11 September 2012

September project day 5: I get lazy

I was heavily involved in a hen’s night over the weekend and despite having had a pretty low-key Sunday to recover I still wasn’t feeling my normal perky morning self come Monday morning. So I got lazy and went to one of my usual coffee stops: Veneziano’s.

Veneziano endeavours to do all coffee-related activities. They have sandwiches and sweets, they roast their own beans, you can buy various coffee-making accessories, even get barista training. It’s a small chain with three cafes in different cities and coffee distributors throughout the country.

Coffee making accessories on sale.

It’s a pretty popular café but it never takes too long to get your order. I’ve never had a bad coffee there but it isn’t quite of the same quality of Blackstar or West End Café. That being said, it’s easier to park at Venezianos for your mid-morning caffeine run.

If you do make it to Venezianos, particularly in the summer months, I recommend the coffee frappes. They are extremely tasty, just the right balance of flavours and so refreshing. I get a shot of caramel in mine for sweetness, so it’s off the charts delicious.

 4 person coffee run
Cost of a regular soy latte: $4.00
Parking: challenging at times but I’ve never had to pay
Coffee frappes: excellent
Chances you’re going to have to wait behind 3 local business men: high

Veneziano Caffe on Urbanspoon

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