
Wednesday 12 September 2012

September project day 7: Posto

Posto espresso is tucked away on the part of Boundary Street only locals tend to visit. Sandwiched between a Pizza Capers and a florist, it’s in a little run of shops just past the Boundary Street / Vulture Street intersection.

Inside it’s a perfectly nice if tiny cafe - art, comfy seats, there were quite a few tables occupied so it's clearly a favourite amongst locals. I got to read Animalia by Graeme Base while I was waiting which was a huge bonus as far as I was concerned. I’d forgotten how good that book was!

My take away soy latte was really hot (good thing) but a little too bitter (bad thing). It needed a sugar to make it more drinkable (meh thing – that’s normal unless the coffee is amazing) and tasted strong (good thing, I slept really badly last night). 

There is a small menu that looked pretty standard café fare but having seen so many similar menus in the last 2 weeks, I felt it was a dollar or two more expensive than it needed to be. But it could be scrumptious and well worth the cost.

Reading material: excellent
Attitude of the baristas: great
Regular soy latte: $4.00 - $3.50 for coffee, extra 50c for soy
Coffee: pretty good, really.
Lego men by the door: kind of wanted to nick them

Posto on Urbanspoon

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