
Sunday 2 September 2012

September’s project

I work in West End and it is an utterly delightful place to work. The people are nice and interesting, the atmosphere is comfy and relaxed and from my desk I have one of the best views in the city.

The view from my window. It's much nicer in person.

West End is stuffed with cafes and eateries and there seem to be more popping up all the time, particularly of the work-coffee-stop variety. However, because of where I work and the difficulty in finding a midday park, I don’t get around to trying all these great new places. I get my morning coffee from one of three places, and my lunch from one of 6 or so places.

So this is my project for September: get out and try all the cafes and place to eat in West End I never make it to. It’s going to cost a bit so I can’t go crazy. Each day I will either treat myself to morning coffee or lunch. So by the end of September I will have tried pretty much all of the coffee shops in West End. Then I’ll be able to say I proper appreciated the time I’ve spent working here.

Any suggestions for must-visit or if there are any places you’ve wanted to test but haven’t got to yet – please let me know! All recommendations gratefully received.

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