
Friday 26 October 2012

Exciting news for the Brisbane fashion-lover

A new store is about to open in the shiny new Wintergarden complex: Designer Archives.

Designer Archives is a depository of designer clothing and accessories for those of us who might lust after a Chanel 2.55 and are happy to accept a version from a season or two ago.

The brain child of three sisters who have sourced selected wares from all over the world; auctions, stylists and film wardrobes. Designer Archives will stock pieces that are from previous seasons and items that were immediate classic sell-outs at the time.

Prices will reflect that these are no longer fresh items, but that they are still designer. If you want Chanel pumps you pay for them, even if it is at a quarter of the price. It’s a kind of high-end vintage op-shop in the manner of vintage stores or flea markets you find in European capitals, where you never know what genuine treasures you might stumble upon. They will also be opening an online store in the next few weeks.  

I cannot afford the latest designer wear. However, I have learned from the purchase of the one current designer piece in my wardrobe – a pair of vintage Bally heels – that provided you choose well, the investment is well worth it. They are amongst the most comfortable shoes in my entire collection, despite being 3inch strappy stilettos. Though I may not technically be able to afford even the cut-price wares at Designer Archive, I suspect I will become a regular visitor because when I spot those Blahniks that I fall instantly in love with, I will be happy to lay down my credit card to make both my feet and my wardrobe happy.

Designer Archives in Wintergarden. If a city-based friend checks it out, I’d love to know what you think! 

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