
Monday 8 October 2012

Nutella-stuffed brown butter and sea salt cookies. Or 'what I did on Sunday'.

I had a very quiet weekend. I'm moving week after next so most of my time was taken up with collecting boxes, packing, wondering how I got so much clutter in my life.

However, on Sunday morning I use the excuse of 'emptying the fridge' to do some baking I'd been meaning to do for a long time. I made Ambitious Kitchen's Nutella-stuffed browned butter and sea salt chocolate chip cookies. Just the name of it makes your blood sugar level rise.

I didn't even use as many chips as the recipe asked for...

They were a little fidley to make. You had to let the dough mixture rest in the fridge for two hours, then make a dough pancake to wrap around the chiled nutella. As soon as the nutella started to warm up, it was almost impossible to work with.

Flattened cookies with dollops of nutella, ready to be wrapped up.

The finished cookies when they came out of the oven looked a lot better than these photos suggest. And they were delicious! Worth the time and effort. The sea salt was very necessary to cut through the sweet chocolatey goodness.  I had one and felt like I'd had my sugar-alowance for the day

Made just a little better, they would easily be the best choc chip cookies I have ever had.


  1. They look delicious! Will have to try these. We are always looking for interesting cookie recipes.

  2. They are very very tasty. The salt just makes the cookie. Plus, you only eat one at a time because there is so much sweetness!

  3. Well, now you have one I will be interested to hear what you think of them.
