
Tuesday 2 October 2012

The now misnomer’d September project: Two Trees, West End

The long weekend just past was a big weekend for me. Sunday was a friend’s wedding for which I was a bridesmaid and the other two days drifted passed in a haze of tiredness and packing for an upcoming move. The weekend felt longer than the four days and I knew getting back into work-mode was going to be tough.

So I took myself out for coffee.

Two Trees is a tiny yet adorable café tucked in beside The Happy Cabin clothing store. The décor is the complete fake-garden setting with plastic grass, tables and chairs likely sourced from antique centres and friend’s back gardens, blackboards and hanging plants.

There was only one other person in attendance when I grabbed my coffee this morning, but it was early on the first day after a long weekend. I suspect everyone in the city but me was moving at a slow luxurious pace.

The barista was very nice and just the right amount of cheerful. She obviously has regulars who wander in for their daily cup and chat. My soy latte was the perfect strength, rich and tasty with just enough of a kick to get me started. Sitting at my garden table reading the weekend paper – old comic books were also on offer – in the cool morning air, just shielded from Vulture Street traffic, it was a wonderful way to start the morning and I would head back there anytime.

Small soy latte that wasn’t small: $3.50. I have no idea if 50c was added for soy milk.
Setting: charming.
Reading material: news or superheroes
Breakfast menu: untested but looked pretty good, and the serve-yourself toast topping bar is a great idea.
Parking: easy early in the morning, more challenging later in the day. 

Two Trees on Urbanspoon

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