
Sunday 24 February 2013

Oh hello...

First post anxiety has meant that it has been several months since B first invited me to blog on Style from the Suburban Intellect. So long, in fact, that the initial invite expired. Shameful. I wondered what my first post should be and then once I settled on a topic, I wondered what content to write and what my writing style was and whether it would be good enough. This wondering took a while. And then, after some more wondering, my chosen topic became somewhat obsolete. After explaining my dilemma to B, she suggested that I write a brief introduction to get over the dreaded first post. So here I am, writing my first post en route via train to B's birthday bash, for which I am running somewhat late.

So here I go...

I'm Gabi and I spend my days pretending to be a software development expert. I am a fan of eating breakfast out, cooking random vegetarian meals because cooking meat still scares me, hunting for shopping bargains, cycling on relatively flat ground and looking obsessively at foodgawker. And it seems I don't really do 'brief'.

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